Borderlands Easter Eggs

Diablo II Reference - 9.0/10 with 1 votes
When searching for one of the hidden journals in the Rust Commons, when you are near the one found in a box near a camp of dead bandits a massive rakk called 'Rakkanishu' shows up and tries to kill you. Its name refers to a boss you have to defeat in... more
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There Are Some Who Call Me...Tim - 8.0/10 with 1 votes
When you play, go to the Borderlands acheivements. There should be an acheivemant called "There are some who call me...Tim." That's a reference from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail." Tim the enchanter says it.

My Brother Is an Italian Plumber! - 8.0/10 with 1 votes
There is an achievment in the game titled "My Brother is an italian plumber." It is achieved for killing an enemy by stomping on its head. This is of course referencing to everyones favorite head stomping plumber, Mario!

Army of Darkness in Borderlands - 7.0/10 with 1 votes
When you kill the bandit Baron Flynt he sometimes drops a weapon called the Boomstick. The Boomstick is the shotgun the main character in Army of Darkness used. Also there is a gun that you can pick up called the Defender that says "I can do this all... more

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