Dead Space Easter Eggs

Chapter Titles - 7.9/10 with 15 votes
While progressing through the game note down the first letter for every chapter name and at the end put them together to spell something.

For all the people lazy enough not to do this it reads: NICOLEISDEAD, referring to the main characters wife/girlfriend... more
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Three Stooges Reference - 6.0/10 with 3 votes
After you complete chapter 4 and take the tram to the Medical Lab, you will have a fight with the thing on the wall, it shoots pods at you. After it's dead, listen closely to the should say "Calling Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, Dr. Howard" A reference... more

pic Hidden Image in Rancid Moon Poster on Chapter 10 - 6.0/10 with 1 votes
Once one has reached Chapter 10: End of Days, upon entering the lobby area near the tram system there will be several movie posters on the walls, one will be for a movie called Rancid Moon. If you look closely though, and are playing on an Xbox 360, the... more

pic Rancid Moon - 5.5/10 with 2 votes
I found this in chapter 10, but it should be on the walls earlier in the game.
On the walls in chapter 10 is a poster ad for a movie that is called Rancid Moon, which is the name that Glen Shofield (the executive producer) originaly wanted to give the... more

pic Interstellar Sports - 3.3/10 with 9 votes
Start the game from the beginning and keep going until you're in the part of the first level where you're talking to Hammond and Kendra about fixing the Tram System. In one of the chairs in the room there is a
magazine that is titled Interstellar Sports... more

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