Manhunt Easter Eggs

pic Calendar - 8.5/10 with 6 votes
This is a vague egg that took a bit of deductive reasoning. On the escort mission in which you are to guide the journalist to her apartment is where you'll find this. When you've FINALLY cleared the entire building and have some freedom, leave her outside... more

pic Biblical Ad-libbing - 5.8/10 with 4 votes
In the prison level well after dealing with the broken cells and the catwalk you'll be ordered to execute the "freak in the pink dress". After doing so look at the orange writing that spans about 4 cells. I'm not an overly religious man but I do own a... more

pic Grand Theft Auto References - 4.8/10 with 5 votes
During the game you will encounter some very familiar items from GTA San Andreas. In some levels you may come across a pop machine that bears the title Sprunk. Sprunk is the drink you can purchase in GTA SA to replenish health. In one of the levels... more
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