Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy Easter Eggs

pic Play as Santa! - 8.4/10 with 16 votes
First go to Mos Eisley Cantina. Type in these codes CL4U5H and TYH319. Then go to Go to the Character Customizer and give it a human head, red cap and red clothing. Then name it Santa if you want. Once you have done all this go to the pause menu, click... more
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Force Commander Music - 7.0/10 with 3 votes
As you may know, on the Jabbas sail barge level, there is a part where you must make the Gammorean Gaurds dance to the Imperial March rock music. Coincedentlly, this music is a shortened version of the Imperial March Rage of the Machine from Star wars... more

pic Old Spaceship - 6.0/10 with 7 votes
In episode V, Chapter 3: Falcon flight, in the part where you have to blast meteors, one of them spawns a Lego Starship from the first "Lego space" series.

Thx-1138 Reference in Gba Version - 5.0/10 with 1 votes
Go in Episode 5 and go in the level "Asteroid Chase"
then beat the level.
C-3PO will start talking to Han and will say lots of fractions like 720 over 1 and such.
Then he says 1138 over 1.
There you go.

Lego starwars original trilogy: Extra toggle and detonate trick - 4.0/10 with 6 votes
1> Load LST:OT.
2> activate extra toggle and detonate
3> Episode IV and walk into Mos Eisley spaceport level.
4> jump on top of lukes speeder and climb in.
5> Exit his speeder and activate your chosen ROBOTIC critter.
6> Detonate and you shall find... more
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pic 1138 - 2.4/10 with 12 votes
You will need the cover of the game to see the hidden 1138.
Number of women on the cover = 1.
Number of Death Stars on the cover = 1
Number of X-wings on the cover = 3
Number of characters on the cover = 8

THX-1138 was the first movie by Mr.Lucas.
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Addams Family Reference - 1.1/10 with 12 votes
Finish the the last level of Episode 5. Close to the end of the ending cut scene, Luke's robot hand starts running away. This is a reference to the severed hand on "The Addams Family."

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