Muscle Car Plate -
8.2/10 with 4 votes
On Midnigth Map [Armored Fury Expansion] spawn in Valvez and near the gas station you will have an Muscle car witch you can drive..if you notice the plate its says 2142 witch is the newst of battlefield series that will be coming out.
Suggestive Newspaper Article -
8.0/10 with 2 votes
In the level "Operation roadrage" there are 2 trucks one being in the "MEC Truck Stop" CP.Enter the truck and look on the passenger seat.You'll see a newspaper with the heading being, "Scientists predict Ice Age".This is one of many Battlefield 2142 eegss...
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2042 Watch Company -
7.0/10 with 5 votes
If you start from the US base and head south on the main highway on the map Operation RoadRage a little bit near the truckstop if you read the billboard it says "Watch" but if you notice the watch it says 2042 which is one of EA's newest BF2 upcomming...
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