Tomb Raider 4 Easter Eggs

pic Dr. Jones? - 10.0/10 with 1 votes
During the Angkor Wat training session, near the end of the level, you will come across a set of spikes coming up from the ground that you must walk around to get to the doorway. If you look down, you'll notice the skeleton in the spikes has a bullwhip... more

Cheat Codes (NOT AN EGG) - 7.1/10 with 86 votes
Here are the cheat codes for Tomb Raider 4:

Unlimited Goods:

- Climb up an object facing north.
- Press escape to go to the inventory section.
- Select small medipack.
- Hold down the keys g u n s for a couple seconds (until it says unlimited).

You... more
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Hot Pants - 6.3/10 with 176 votes
Because of TR4's multi-layered format, it's hard to give precise directions to this bizarre egg (or bug). As you play, just keep in mind it's in CATACOMBS, which you'll eventually access via a crawl space protected by a hanging boulder trap at the bottom... more
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Personal Text in the EXE - 5.1/10 with 19 votes
Launch MS Word and open tomb4.exe (C:\Program Files\CORE DESIGN\Tomb Raider - The Last Revelation). Under edit do a find for “The Last Revelation”. You will find a personal note from Richard Flower.

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