Fallout Easter Egg - Elvis picture

1. Travel through the Wasteland
2. Amongs other random encounters you might find a UFO and 2 dead aliens
3. One of the aliens holds a picture of Elvis

NOTE: This is a random encounter; to find it you'll need a high LUCK stat.

User Rating:
  5.2/10 with 52 votes
Contributed By: Renze Post on 07-24-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Fallout, High LUCK attribute
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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MrNomad writes:
Your going to need some LUCK before you venture out to find the UFO. I suggest at least 8 Luck, along with Perception and Outdoorsman statistics at 50% or higher. UFO's are not the only things you'll see, though it's certanly one of the oddest. The higher your luck, the more stuff you'll find.
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Ogredude writes:
On a side note, when you find the aliens, you'll also get the Alien Blaster, a great tool to wreak havoc everywhere. (Only slightly less cool than the Turbo Plasma Rifle)
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