Sleepy Hollow Easter Egg - Mars Attacks

In the movie, at the end, when the Headless Horseman is being melted or killed... whichever... his face turns into one of the aliens in Mars Attacks. An obvious reference to Tim Burton's previous film...

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  4.0/10 with 73 votes
Contributed By: DJ_Ollie on 04-07-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: TV, VCR, or DVD Player(preferred method of viewing)
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bones writes:
The headless horseman in the movie never melts or dies moron!
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dooty writes:
I think he's referring to the scene where the Horseman puts his head back on and his flesh reappears slowly. I guess I can see it, but I still think it's a stretch...
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Mariano writes:
No. It definitely isn't an alien: his tongue is strecht and his eyes out, but the head is red and not green and he hasn't the "chewed-chewing gum" brain!!! I think so.
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Actually, Tim Burton is credited with saying somewhere that when working on "A Nightmare Before Christmas" he wanted to incorporate "the clown with the tear away face." That character is indeed in "Nightmare," however, it was made less scary for the kids. He was so taken with the idea that he decided he needed a scene as such somewhere....and put it in "Hollow." The face is not actually a tribute to "Mars Attacks" but an unused image wanted in "Nightmare".
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I think what the original poster was refering to was the "Ressurection" scene where the Hessian grows his head back. The red stuff forming is the flesh, blood and muscles forming, the eyes form in place of the vacant black holes and as for the teeth, as I recall the Hessian always had sharp vampire-like teeth even before he died.
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