Starsiege Tribes Easter Egg - Secret Area Inside Level

1. Go to training mode when starting the game
2. Enter the vehicle training area
3. Jetpack onto the ledge right above the first APC pad
4. Walk to the center of the ledge, you should be imediatly transported to the secret area but sometimes it will say "Not now I'm busy." that just meens the server this place is on is doing something else just wait a few minutes and try again. Enjoy!

User Rating:
  6.2/10 with 84 votes
Contributed By: Billy Pugh on 07-24-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Strijder writes:
It's a great egg :) The ledge will not let you in for about 6 minutes or so... If you fly the vehicles out to the next to last waypoint, and then come back, the time limit is usually up :)
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tribesrules writes:
Where is this "ledge" there is none next to the LPC vehicle station
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Leon Rhodes writes:
The busy message has nothing to do with a server. You have to wait 8 min. before trying this egg, or else you'll get the busy message, just have fun flying about and the time will go by quickly. The ledge is right above you when you start the training mission.
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Hey can you do this with the demo? Cause I dont got a training mode!
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You can't do it in the demo.
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- - J writes:
How can this "server" be busy when it's your own? Training stage three, right? whateva.. Can someone tell what the heck the point is there? my primary mission is to pick up items i cant use??? yikes --SugarHiGH
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