Motocross Madness Easter Egg - Recoil

1. Ride in one direction under maximum acceleration until you see the cliffs.
2. Aim your bike directly into the cliffs at full speed (80+ mph).
3. Once you're on top of the cliffs (it may take a few tries to get up there), ride directly away from the cliff face (i.e., keep going the same direction you were going).
4. In a few seconds, you'll be shot straight backwards about a quarter mile!
5. Warning: If you have a heart condition, don't try this. In fact, why are you playing this game in your condition?
6. Have fun!!!

User Rating:
  4.4/10 with 79 votes
Contributed By: Donster on 07-24-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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GalFisk writes:
Yeah, that one shocked me the first time... This is the way the game tells you that you're not supposed to be there. Same thing happens sometimes in Stunts.
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jonnyslash writes:
i find the best way to get p is to head for the corner of the area and the is a bit where the cliff is not so high drive towards it as fast as pos and push foward(W key)
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munfis writes:
The best way to get to the top of the cliff is if you fall off halfway up you press tab, or whatever key you have assigned as reset, and he will appear at the top of the cliff, because this is the next valid track section
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Speedy F16 writes:
THis works really well if you go into the wall doing a wheelie!
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This works all the time and is really good............i like to frighten people with it!!! if you have sound you can hear your rider as he hits the "deck"......painfull!!!
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i was here writes:
i always said it was god flicking him. sometimes he does a 'rowing' action
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This also works in motorcross madness two.
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