Mechwarrior 2 Easter Egg - Notable Buildings in the Third Mission of Wolf Clan

1. In mission 3 for the Wolf Clan (Blade Splint, Teal), there are several buildings near the power converter worth identifiying.
2. Activision has an office NNW of the power converter.
3. Someone's Los Angeles apartment is also NNW of the power converter.
4. Identify the "Oh, just a building" that's SE of the power converter.
5. For fun, disregard the message that appears when you ID that building.

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  7.7/10 with 20 votes
Contributed By: Roger Long on 07-24-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Also, somewhere in that level is "The house that Jack built" and upon querying and identifying it, you find that "Jack" is inside.
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KillerBob writes:
The last Wolf level (Assault the palace) is full of them. Notice how the palace is surrounded by support buildings? About 1/4 of the buildings have funny entries when you investigate them. The one that sticks out in my memory was a building behind the palace called "Geisha house". When you investigated it, it said "Use your imagination."
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