Lord of the Rings Easter Egg - Bypass Moria

1. Once you've gotten through Rivendell, go to the Redhorn Pass.
2. Follow the Pass until you are notified that a snowdrift is blocking your path.
3. Now, you may have noticed that whenever your party leader is stopped, some other characters may run around, trying to find a place to stop. This is a minor bug that doesn't really affect gameplay, but it does allow you to execute this egg.
4. Keeping this in mind, walk in the area immediately surrounding the snowdrift, stopping every few paces. Eventually, you should come to a position where one (or more) characters are running to the right edge of the screen-past the snowdrift.
5. Timing it just right, activate the icon bar when this character(s) is beyond the snowdrift. He will immediately halt in place.
6. Select that character as your leader, and proceed east. The rest of your party will magically follow him over the snowdrift.
7. Switch the leader back to whoever it was before, and be on your way. Keep going east on the Pass until you are out the mountains.
8. You have just bypassed Moria! Having done this, it is possible to get to Dol Guldur with Gandalf, Frodo, and Sam still in your party! This is without question the most amazing egg I have ever found!
9. This egg is rather complex, so if you have problems or questions, e-mail me.
10. Enjoy!

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 316 votes
Contributed By: Robert McDaniel on 07-24-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Lord of the Rings, Vol. 1 for DOS 5.0 or better
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Ancisace writes:
This is not an egg:- This is a glitch, which is something rather different...
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Trivimaster writes:
This is not an egg! It is a bug in the game! I can't believe this thing scored so high!
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RLF writes:
Have you guys read the book? It would suck to have to go through the Moria mines! Even though I've never played this game, I think this egg deserves a 10.0!
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Jaromir Krol writes:
It's just a bug. The first release of LotR was full of terrible bugs, because it was done so quickly (it was supposed to be released on C64 but then they decided that PC would be a better platform). Anyway, why would anyone but the extremely lazy want to avoid Moria is weird... this is the most amazing, atmospheric and enchanting part of both the Trilogy and the game!
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No he don't get it in the mines of moria!!!!!!! He inherits it from bilbo when bilbo leaves the shire at the start of fellowship of the ring! Did you read the book?
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Destroyer51 writes:
Bilbo gets the Ring in the Misty Mountains and doesn't really enter Moria. Moria is definitely the coolest area in the game, plus to bypass it you miss many cool items. Your party will get much stronger there too. I would not recommend skipping Moria.
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Aragorn01 writes:
can someone plz give me a URL for this game?
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I also read the book and have no clue what this game is, but the book was awesome and if you read the book properly you would no in the battle of the ancients the ring was lost and Gollum's friend found it but then Gollum strangled him and took it, eventually leading to the ring finding Bilbo. (sorry for babbleing on so much =()
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abbe writes:
To balrogofmoria: Hmm... Who has ever claimed that Frodo got The Ring in Moria? At least I can't find it anywhere in this page. I have no idea where you got that idea...
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thorton02 writes:
In version 1.0, there was a teleport option. At the dos prompt, you could type in "frodolives" and the press "t" while in the game. You could enter various maps(1 being the shire, 9-Rivendell, 11-lorien, etc) and the a x,y coordinate. Usually you would end up in a tree or a wall, but it was fun for jumping around and getting the best part and equipment and showing those ruffians in the old mill a thing or two.
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Jeffrey writes:
Here is how Frodo gets the ring (1) Sauron forges ring (2) Isuldor cuts ring from Sauron's finger and claims it for himself (3) Isuldor is killed by Orcs and ring is lost for centuries (4) Deogal finds ring when fishing (5) Smeogal strangles Deogal for the ring and is banished from his villiage; he heads for the Misty Mountains and becomes Gollum (6) Years later Gollum strangles a goblin and loses the ring (7) Bilbo finds the ring while crawling to get back to the dwarves (see The Hobbit) and finds the ring (9) About 10 years later Frodo gets the ring from Bilbo.
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URLHelper writes:
try this. http://www.wonderland.cz/lotr/ its open engine. but you will have to steal game data, because its not open. But you can play demo for free.
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