Rise of the Triad Easter Egg - Extreme Violence

1. Activate cheats by typing "dipstick"
2. Just type "ekg"
3. When you shoot someone with a rocket, there is tons of guts.
4. Have Fun!

User Rating:
  8.5/10 with 38 votes
Contributed By: Tim Paul on 07-24-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: none
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Jimbo writes:
Yeah, it's pretty cool how if you fire a missile, eg bazooka rocket, at a guard, it takes about thirty seconds for the chunks to finish falling from the heavens! Also, try putting this cheat on with the invicibility cheat (chojin) and backing up against one of those three-sectioned stationary rotating pillars with blades coming out of them. You see all bits of yourself flying out in the direction you're facing! Pretty grot!
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