Star Wars: Rebellion Easter Egg - Sandman has the Force?

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In one of the star systems at the bottom is a planet named Neelgaiman (or something spelled like that).

This is an obvious tribute to Neil Gaiman, the creator of the Sandman comic book series.

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  3.6/10 with 85 votes
Contributed By: Naugros on 04-05-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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Actually, this is a reference to 'Children of the Jedi', by Barbara Hambly, one of the few decent Star Wars novels out there. She mentions the planet Neelgaimon in it. I don't remember the exact circumstances, but I know she and Neil met at a convention of some sort and got to talking. So the planet's name isn't original, but the little description in the planet finder is...what are 'sand mines', anyway?
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Naugros writes:
You know, I read that book and I never noticed that, but you're right. Sandman is a comic book that Neil wrote.
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sebrat writes:
If you can get a hold of the Star Wars encyclopedia, the planet neelgaimon is in it. It is a desolate place. But, wow, its even in this book, how cool.
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