Sixth Sense, The Easter Egg - Director's Appearance

The director plays the doctor who examines Cole, which is ironic because he comes from a family of doctors.

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  4.2/10 with 127 votes
Contributed By: Samantha on 03-30-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: the movie
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Carrie writes:
I thought that the director played to role of the guy who was buying his "plain" girlfriend a ring?? The doctor and that guy looked kind of similar.
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It is not ironic that the director played a doctor when his family is in medicine. Irony is when the actual meaning and the intended meaning are opposites. Ever since Alanis Morissette wrote and performed a song about irony that gives examples that are not ironic (now THAT is irony!) everyone has misused the word.
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princess191 writes:
Umm didn't the poster of this "egg" see Reality Bites? That was one of the main reasons Winona Ryder didn't get a job at the newspaper. She could not define irony. Her friend and ex Troy (played by Ethan Hawke) defined it for her.
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gkm writes:
Mr. Geraghty has defined irony as actual meaning being opposite of intended meaning. Actually, there are two kinds of irony. Logical irony is when the literal meaning of a statement is the opposite of its intended meaning. Dramatic irony is when a character makes a statement or takes action which is meant to be taken at face value, but is interpreted differently because the audience (viewer/reader) or other characters have knowledge that the character making the statement or taking action doesn't. When the characters in "Titanic" refer to the ship as being unsinkable, they believe what they are saying, but because the audience knows that the ship will soon sink, such comments are ironic.
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raye writes:
Irony-Incongruity between what happened and what might be expected. Therefore rain on your wedding day could be considered ironic if you did not expect it :). lol sorry I just had to say that.
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_Phat_Cat_ writes:
If you watch the DVD you will see why this is. The director explains this.
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Johngo Kongo writes:
Irony... Who can explane it better than Per Fritzell? href="
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trinichick19 writes:
M. Night Shalamyan always made cameos in his movies, in Unbreakable he was the guy in the red hat i think that Bruce Wilis ran into as he was standing in line at the ticket booth at the baseball game but he had no lines. Lots of directors do things like that
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Kurt Schu writes:
In The Village he is one of the council member people. In Signs he's the guy who ran over Mel Gibson's wife in the movie. I read in a newspaper article about him he says he always does at least one cameo in all his movies.
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DJ writes:
M. Night Shyamalan played the following roles in his films. The Village - the guard the the desk at the very end of the film Signs - Ray Reddy, the doctor Unbreakable - the drug dealer at the stadium where David worked The Sixth Sense - the doctor who examines Cole.
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