Kid Pix Studio Easter Egg - Picture of a Cat in Your Save Dialog Box

1. Start Kid pix Studio
2. Click Kid Pix
3. Make a picture and go to Save a Picture
4. Type Control-` and then Control-H
5. A cat may appear.

User Rating:
  4.0/10 with 29 votes
Contributed By: Cameron Matthews on 07-24-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: MacOS 7.0 or better
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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This is so FAKE. I know he said "you might see a cat" but I tried a thousand times and nothing happened! Could someone clear this up for me?!?!
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DugtrioJenny writes:
Do you type Control or press Control(Ctrl)? That may be the problem.
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Clicko man writes:
an egg has to happen all the time to the specifications. If it wasn't, it's unreliable and waists time at work while trying again and again and again and again and. . . .
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