Father's Day Easter Egg - Special Cameo

While this may be seemingly obvious, during one scene, when Robin Williams is calling out for Scotty, a character with a lot of face piercing turns around and says "I'm Scotty"

This person is none other than Mel Gibson, although if you look at the closing credits, his name is not mentioned.

User Rating:
  6.0/10 with 15 votes
Contributed By: penzm on 03-19-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Copy of the Video, and something to play it on.
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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CeCe writes:
The band Sugar Ray is also in that movie as well. They are the band that Nikky and Scott follow around. It was before Sugar Ray had sort of 'hit it big.' Interesting comparison of the music they perform in the movie... and the music they ACTUALLY make.
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