Winamp Easter Egg - Llama Message

1. Start Winamp 2.xx
2. Type nullsoft slowly, pressing ESC after every L.
3. Do it using the default skin.
4. You'll see this message:"It really whips the llama's ass"
5. They at Nullsoft say there are 3 other Easter Eggs.
6. Please find them!

User Rating:
  6.8/10 with 914 votes
Contributed By: Stefano Ronchitelli on 07-23-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Winamp v2.xx
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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The llama egg
The llama egg

Do you have another one? Send us a picture or video of this Egg!


Link451 writes:
if you do it with a skin on, some one the skins will say different things. with the soundgarden superunknown skin, it says "alive in the superunknown"
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Actually, if you're a skin designer, you'll see that in the titlebar.bmp file, there's 6 bars: 2 top = active and inactive normal, 2 middle = active and inactive winshade, and 2 bottom = active and inactive hidden bars (Llama's ass). You can make you're own hidden sentences, or images. Whatever you want.
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Cman writes:
Where am I supposed to write "nullsoft"? `
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Trp writes:
You don't "write" it anywhere, you just make sure the main WINAMP box is active and type NUL[esc]L[esc]SOFT
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Dave writes:
It needs to be done with the main window active.
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muff13 writes:
In winamp 2.666, it says "WINAMP-LLAMA TESTED, LLAMA APPROVED"
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jesusX writes:
If you use the MozAmp skin ( ) it says "It Really Whips The Lizard's A**!"
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WhiteKenny writes:
Does anyone know what's meant by "the duck is coming?" If you watch the credits in 2.666, it says, "Thanks to: the Silo Corp (the duck is coming.)"
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wintel writes:
It worked with 2.7!
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LadyVivien writes:
I'm new to Easter eggs, so I am not sure if this qualifies, but I noticed in my new 2.7 that, after you do the N-u-l[esc]-l[esc]-s-o-f-t and get the new titlebar, if you play the demo.mp3 which actually says this, the title bar automatically reverts back to 'WINAMP' at the end of the song. I checked with other songs, and they did not do this. Did I find my first Easter egg? :)
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LadyVivien writes:
Also, after considering Johnny Virgil's observation, I went through all my skins. I found that the AMD_Thunderbird_Version_1.wsz states, "it really whips pentium's ass" and the MooAMP_WS_25.wsz bullishly announces it "whips winamp's ass!" (oh boy, a bullfight between a cow and a llama??!) just as in the base skin, if you play the demo.mp3, it changes back. Does this mean the llama spits back? LoL
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flatmatt writes:
If you're a skinner, that's what the bottom two bars in the titlebar.bmp image are for.
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Mindfield writes:
Just thought I'd post on a few different skins that change with the Llama egg active: AmpFlux SE 2.1: Title bar changes to "Ampflux SE NO SOUND" ChromoSla: "W I N A M P" disappears. MetAMPmorphosis: Title bar changes a shade darker. (Probably unintentional) PepsiAmp 2: Changes title bar to "Pepsi Amp 2 -" when active, and "PEPSI AMP 2 RE-Created by Jason" when inactive. Cold Fusion 2.02: Changes to "SYRI Graphic and Web Design" when acitve, and "" when inactive. (SYRI logo is split over both states) Fusion AmpDeck 2: A set of eyes appear above the viz. Ampizer Elite: Adds "By MATDesign" beside skin name. SpyAmp 4.0: Changes title bar to clutterbar. (Also probably unintentional) Cold Fusion: Changes from "Cold Fusion" to just "Fusion", Places a couple of cute characters in the title bar and adds the line, "Don't you love new toys? :)" Digital 2-23: Changes to a two-leveled plug for Guelph Digital (uses both active and inactive states) and gives the author's E-Mail address. Creative Live: Changes to "The Meaning of Live by Freek" TargetAmp: Changes to "Done By X-Jedi Cyberflame" and gives his E-Mail in the inactive state. BLUE SOUND: Plugs author's website. Monkey Radio: Adds "Raj.l/0 in 2000" Marbles_BG: Changes title bar permanently to inactive. (Probably unintentional) Portal: Two-tiered "Gener8ed (C) 2000" logo. Cha0tik Nature: Changes to some funky texture. (Probably left there from a base skin or something) 3D_Amp - Cool Blue: "It Really Whips the Llama's Ass" in the skin style. Sonika: Another Regener8ed logo. Killahill 1.0 Upgrade: Gets rid of the word "Winamp" in the title bar.
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if you use the skin Ganja AMP v. 1.8 it changes to "ganja Amp - the psychedelic alternative", very amusing :)
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kapper26 writes:
wow, i just found a freaky one. i started checking my skins, and if you use the skin called "forced 2 be" it changes to "i'd really like to whip your mothers a**." I think i got it from the winamp web site. search for it if you want.
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The Spinner skin changes to say "Contact us:"
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fwdragonz writes:
my incubus skin i have (can't remember name. maybe Incubus Amp?) changes to "INCUBUS spanks everyones ass" and some NOFX skin I have changes to "ITS EVEN MORE PUNK THAN ME!"
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fwdragonz writes:
Cryostasis changes to "Winamp+Llama=1 kicked a**!" Psychadelic changes to "Llama forever!"
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I downloaded a skin called "weed_is_good" and when N,U,L [esc],L [esc],S,O,F,T is typed the new bar says "Justin CAN code" - Well i thought it was good
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Tom writes:
Here are a few more from my personal collection of skins: Zeus_v2_anoxia skin goes from "ZEUS" to "amo2000" OmegaRed skin's title bar shrinks a little, but nothing new appears. FlameBOT skin's title bar does much the same thing as OmegaRed's. blackdawn10 skin does exactly the same thing as the . link2pst skin goes from "Winamp" to a pic ure of Zelda's Link and "WANTED! This criminal kidnapped Zelda" The_Silence skin goes from "THE SILENCE" to the bottom half reading "THE SILENCE" and the top half being the bottom of the message "CREATED BY THE SILENCE". In addition to this, I found that by clicking on the link2pst skin, the message further changes to just a picture of link and "WANTED!". Likewise, clicking on the The_Silence skin changes the top half to be the top half of the message "CREATED BY THE SILENCE". I suggest clicking on the title bars after doing this trick to see what (if anything) it changes into.
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Nickhamm writes:
The Matchbox Twenty skin (comes with Winamp on the Mad Season CD) changes to "we are black and white people"
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Psymon writes:
Ctrl-Alt-Shift N-U-L-L-S-O-F-T also works. In my Sailor Moon skins, I included an approximate translation of their Japanese names.
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Teforto writes:
In "Sumpfkuh AMP" the message is "Win AMP really sucks"
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GeekySpice writes:
Hey I just wanted you guys to know that a skin called KayoAmp says (Your mom's bum is gigantic) I thought that was hilarious......And did anyone else's mouse pointer change after they did that?
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Is this really an egg? I get it everytime I load winamp. Anyone wanna let me know? Is there others?
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Dave2 writes: is the site for forced to be (I think!).
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will writes:
I went to the Nullsoft Developer network, and I found some pretty interesting stuff. Winamp Skins | Titlebar.bmp Titlebar.bmp provides the title bars for the all the various skinned windows of Winamp. The first of the bars are the graphics for Winamp's main window when that window has focus (the current window on your desktop is said to have the 'focus', and on that window the currently selected control also has the 'focus'). The second bar is the main window's title bar when it does not have the focus. The third and fourth bars provide the graphics for Winamp running in Window Shade mode. The fifth and sixth bars are special. They provide the graphics for the title bar when the Winamp Easter Egg is active. (Easter Eggs are usually useless aspects of a piece of software that the software developers include as a joke or to give credit to something. It's just the programmers trying to have a little fun. Do not worry about these last two bars for now.)
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Alex writes:
FYI I've found this doesn't work if you've got 'always on top' activated :)
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Princezz writes:
If you do it with some skins, it'll tell you on the bar the creator like,"by:..."
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skapunkman writes:
Dude, if you just download winamp and play the demo track it says, "Winamp, it really whips the llamas ass." And the opening logo has a silhouette of a llama.
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BiggBopper writes:
here's some others Lucid_Dream: active=by David Mear; inactive=Chillout! Rusted_Razor: don't run with scissors (crossed out) razors Skinup_XP: same as regular winamp Hand_Written: puts a colourful line up the top that's about it
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jdinthehouse writes:
With the Blue Infusion skin, if you type nullsoft, following the two L's with the esc key, it darkens the top of the window
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daunrealist writes:
Dude, that's awesome. I had to do the Ctrl+Alt+Shift thing. (I use 2.95, it's better than the new ones.)
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Scooley01 writes:
In WinAmp 5.07 on the Modern skin, it makes the main window fade to the beat of the song that's playing. It's actually really neat.
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i was here writes:
i just got this skin called teen girl squad. it's a comic strongbad made up. anyway, it says OW! MY WINAMP! it's because they always yell that stuff like OW! MY SKIN! or the 404 page OW! MY BROWSER!
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i was here writes:
more comin' compy 386-these graphics are state of the art graphics powered_by_the_cheat-Imeb lappy486-doesn't have a name bar thingy tandy amp-none netscape-none and boring. it's so white and.....sterile!
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mchotdog writes:
Some funny ones In the Diablo2_Amp_Of_Destruction skin, the message reads "Diablo Kicks The Llama's Ass" In the Liero_Amp_v1_1 skin, the message is "Worms Don't Have Butts to Whip!" In the Super_Mario_Kart skin, the message is "Welcome to Mariokaaart!"
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