That Thing You Do Easter Egg - TV Buddies

When the Wonders are on the TV, the host of the show is played by Peter Scolari. There is a scene showing both Tom Hanks and Scolari together on screen. Tom Hanks, who wrote and directed the film, used to star on Bosom Buddies, his first hit, with Peter Scolari.

User Rating:
  3.8/10 with 46 votes
Contributed By: tincupmonty on 03-02-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: rent the movie
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wickkit writes:
That is not an egg. Just because 2 people have worked together on another movie, or tv show, or whatever doesn't mean that there is some thing hidden or special or even interesting about them acting together again.
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mmcwillind writes:
in this case, it could be an egg, mainly because tom hanks was an integral part of making the film, and therefore, probably chose peter scolari because they had worked together in their first hit
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hungover writes:
Tom Hanks and actor/directors like Ron Howard work closely together. Clint Howard was in That Thing You Do! and many of the actors in TTYD appeared in Hanks' From the Earth to the Moon series. Meanwhile, Hanks has been in several of Ron Howard's films. It's a friendship thing, I guess.
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Mrs. G. writes:
Tom Hank's wife, Rita Wilson also has a cameo in the film as the waitress in the blues club.
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Drew17 writes:
Tom's son Colin (Orange County) also appears as the usher escorting Liv Tyler's character.
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