Pocahontas Easter Egg - Hidden Mickeys

1. During "Steady as the Beating Drum", right after the girls in the field and right before the smoke bunny, there is a hidden mickey formed by the clumps of trees.
2. Right after Naomi tells POcahontas that her father is home, Meeko is eating berries. The last three berries he eats form the hidden mickey.
There is also one on the berry bush next to Meeko and Flit.
3. There are many hidden mickeys in the water formed by the ripples.

User Rating:
  5.4/10 with 71 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 03-01-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Pocahontas video, VCR, TV, good eyes
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Nightshade writes:
By the way, the name of Pocahonas's friend is Nacoma, not Naomi.
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