GoldMine Easter Egg - You Won!

It has been awhile since i've used this. Please excuse the rough instructions

1) Create a New Database
2) Create 2 records
3) Start Performance Test
4) Start Clicking on the Record that is cycling
5) "You Won" will be displayed

When Performance test is started. GM will pick a record at random. Every time you click a cycling record it changes. With 2 records you have a 100% chance of picking the right one. The more records the harder it is. (Accidently found this in a 5000 record db)

User Rating:
  5.6/10 with 8 votes
Contributed By: LANDeskPro on 02-29-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: GoldMine 4.0
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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GoldMine Guy writes:
1.) That's actually a "feature" that's been a part of every version of GoldMine for Windows since 2.50. 2.) Since you've got 2 records in the database, you only have a 50% chance of hitting the right record in one of the other windows. GoldMine cycles through the entire database (in this case it alternates between the two records) to measure how many records per second are able to be read (hence, the name "performance" test).
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