Idle Hands Easter Egg - Two Bands

In this movie, two bands appear.

The first one you see is Blink 182. One of the singers is working at the drive through at the Fast food place.

Another more obvious one is the Offspring who is singing Beheaded at the Halloween party. This is very noticible because Dexter Holland gets his scalp ripped off.

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  6.8/10 with 74 votes
Contributed By: DB on 02-28-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The movie
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SoulForge writes:
yes the second band is the offspring and the song is off of their self titled album (little known)
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DB writes:
The song is called Beheaded...
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kako writes:
The guy working in the drive through is Tom DeLonge from Blink 182
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me writes:
the song "Beheaded" was originally done by a great punk band called T.S.O.L. who is signed with Dexter Holland(offspring)label Nitro.
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Dark Smurf writes:
This is probably because The Offspring are on the soundtrack for that movie
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Nairb writes:
This was the Offspring's first appearance on a movie. Tom of Blink-182 is also the guitarist.
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Also, Ricky Martin was in the movie(according to the cast and crew commentary on DVD). During the part where Anton and Randy are talking, if you look behind them, you will see a group of guys standing around. Ricky is in a blue jacket. On the commentary, Seth Green said he might of had a line but it didn't make the final cut.
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BiggeG writes:
This is irrelevent, the offspring are not an eEgg in the movie because they are on the soundtrack and it is obvious that they are in it!!! ~BiggeG
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Fubish writes:
Their singing the Rammones song moron ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba I wanna be sedated
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Gandolf2k1 writes:
Finally someone else who realizes its a Ramones song.
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Two comments... First off Beheaded was NOT written by TSOL...they are a great band but wasn't...even looking at the credits on the offsprings first album (their self titled) it says beheaded was written by the offspring, cowritten by James lilja...I should know these things...Im a HUGE fan of the offspring.. also there is another band referance :) Dexter holland is wearing an AFI shirt...afi is another great california punk's the shirt with AFI and the skull on the front and the "I hate punk rock" on the back...was kinda wierd...I got that shirt the day before I saw the movie for the first time
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rainbowbrite writes:
Last time I saw the movie, The Offspring were singing "I wanna be sedated" by the Ramones. I don't know about this Beheaded song.
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Drewguy writes:
They sing more than one song. At least 3. One is the ramones cover and one is beheaded. i think there's a third, but i dont have the movie here. And The ricky martin and Tom DeLonge things are eggs, unless they're in the credits, but offspring is not.
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limegreen14 writes:
OK, people, when they first get to the dance the offspring are sining the Beheaded song, then after they do some other stuff, the offspring sing I wanna be sedated. So, stop fighting both sides are right!
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It was very obvious the Offspring were going to be in it, after all, they were shown in the Idle Hands preview commercials and is the only reason i went to see the movie. (Well, that AND Seth Green. he he) But anyway, this was said before but, T.S.O.L didn't write Beheaded, the Offspring did. T.S.O.L. are signed on Dexter Holland's recording label, Nitro Records. "Beheaded" is on the Offspring's 1989 Self Titled release. The production of this album was stopped because of a law suit and in 1995 the Album was re-released on Nitro Records. Notice, the Offspring were playing "I Wanna Be Sedated" when they were first shown, but when Dexter's head was ripped off...they were playing "Beheaded" lol...*singing* " you spurt like a garden hose, Beheaded...bloody mess all over my clothes!" cya!
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Itchy writes:
Ok... In the beginning the Offspring are playing "I wanna be sedated" then they play a different song (Not sure what it is), Then when Anton interrupts them, they are playing "Beheaded". I don't really care who wrote "beheaded"....
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quatresqutie writes:
If you have read my comment for American Pie you know that my sister is the biggest blink 182 fan on earth. I just wanted to take your egg a little further and tell you that it's Tom Delong from Blink and his one line was worth my sister buying the movie.
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haggardchick writes:
Idle Hands is one of my favorite movies(mainly because of seth green and the offspring,lol) But anyway,to anyone that owns the soundtrack,it is clearly obivous about the Blink cameo.Inside the liner notes,it states "A few singers on this album are in the film,some major parts,others walk-ons(dont BLINK or you might miss one)" So in a way,I don't know if the Tom cameo is an egg,but I guess it is sort of.I also heard that the late Joey Ramone was in this movie,he was a janitor,but I could be highly mistaken. And for the LAST time,"Beheaded" is an Offspring original,written by ex member James,who went on to pursue his dream of being a gynocoligist.(Neat,huh...) And not by the group T.S.O.L. -Haggard Chick
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Matt writes:
First of all I own every Offspring CD. They do sing the Ramone's song "I want to be sedated" in the first part they peform in. It may be a tribute to the band. "Beheaded is and Offspring song off the CD "Ixnay On The Ombre" and it is sung in the movie. The Offspring being in the movie isn't an easter egg it even says on the box and movie trailer that they are in the movie. I suggest that people should know what they are talking about before they write a comment. If you care who wrote "Beheaded" look at the credits of the "Ixnay On The Ombre" CD. Thanks for reading my comment.
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Lita-2x writes:
Where were Blink???
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Jess writes:
First off, "Beheaded" is not off of the Offsprings Ixnay cd, as Matt said. It is off of their original self titled cd. I find it funny that Matt says this because there were 2 cds between the self titled one and ixnay, Ignition and Smash. How someone could make this mistake is past me, but maybe he just picked any one of the Offspring Cds. Secondly Idle Hands is a great movie. Thirdly, Dexter is wearing an AFI shirt because AFI is on the Offsprings labels, Smash- or at least they were at the time. AFI is great two. Fourth, only one member of Blink is in the movie. Tom is the only one. Check Yea thats all.
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