Conspiracy Theory Easter Egg - Ladyhawke Playing

When Jerry (Mel Gibson) runs into the theater to escape Dr. Jonas' (Patick Stewart) agents the movie playing is Ladyhawke. Both movies were Directed by by Richard Donner. You can find this in the credits and on the movie slieves.

User Rating:
  4.5/10 with 53 votes
Contributed By: Forlorne on 02-29-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Conspircy Theory, LadyHawke
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Apollyon writes:
I think its a conspiracy...hmmm
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Aquila writes:
I always wondered why that movie was playing. So now I know...hmm...
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deesleboy writes:
nice egg! did anyone detect a blatant symbolic scene near the end? What happens, mid-movie, is either Julia Roberts or Mel Gibson makes the statement "love will make you fly"... some time later Mel gets taken up on a stretcher by a helicopter for a cinematic, slow-speed heli-fly-away. Thus showing that love will make you fly. They couldve easily done w/o that scene or made it less sappy. no it doesnt deserve it's own egg.. in fact it's just an easily missed realization.
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