Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Easter Egg - Indy Teaching with Mentor

When Indy is teaching his Archaeology class, he tells his students "Archaeology is the search for FACTS, not truth. If it's truth you're looking for, Prof. Tyree's Philosophy course is right down the hall." Prof. Tyree was Harrison Ford's Philosophy teacher in college.

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  6.5/10 with 158 votes
Contributed By: Perfect Tommy on 02-24-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: the movie
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MovieBuff writes:
Incidently, for Star Wars fans, Tyree (spelled Tiree) is one of the fighter pilots from Episode 4.
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Lone Star writes:
Coincidence of the Third Kind! =)
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And 'Tyree' sounds a bit like 'Tyrelle'. The name of the replecant corporationin BladeRunner also staring Ford.
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Gandolf2k1 writes:
No, it is in Crusade
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kewl girl writes:
how did you happen to know that?
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Lone Star writes:
"We lost Tiree, and we lost Dutch!!"
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Dogstar18 writes:
Yeah even though that line was in Raiders, Dr. Tyree was he college teacher that he was really close to. Tryee said that when he heard Harrison say that line that he concerned that an apology to him for something that happened between the two
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oreoz writes:
That line is in The Last Crusade, not Raiders of the Lost Ark. I just finished watching the movie 5 minutes ago.
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A minor note on Star Wars-eggs in the movie: I have been trying for the longest time and as hard as I can to find something relating to Star Wars in Crusade, and found nothing, which is a strange fact considering the eggs in the previous two movies. However, at long last I may have found something, and this is a long shot if ever there was one...or is it? Anyway, in the beginning of the movie, where River Phoenix is being chased around on the train, he comes across the magician´s cart. If I am not mistaken (which I may very well be, mind you) the magician´s name is Tarantogosh. Now have a look (and listen) at the C3PO story-telling scene in the Ewoc camp in Return of the Jedi...see what I mean? If I´m just writing some nonsense here, feel free to tell me so...: ) The Kid
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Jennifer writes:
There is semi a connection to Star wars but it is a very weak one. In Crusade, there is a mention that the Dog was Indiana. Well GL's Dog is indeed named Indiana. She is the same dog that inspired Chewbacca. So there is a very thin link. Jennifer
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