Harold and Maude Easter Egg - Cat in Back

Cat Stephens makes a cameo appearance in this film (for which he wrote the music.) When Harold and Maude are driving Harold's Jag-hearse by the ocean side (coming from the cemetary), they come around a 90 degree corner. There are two hitch hikers - a man and a woman. The man is Cat Stephens.

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  7.1/10 with 62 votes
Contributed By: Johnny on 02-18-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: none
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charliehodge writes:
I have seen "Harold and Maude" about 20 times, most recently on the big screen last week. That is NOT Cat Stevens. It is some guy with hair and a beard similar to Cat's, but it isn't him. The motorcycle cop bears a more striking resemblence to actor Tom Skerrit, but it's not him, either. Regardless, "Harold and Maude" is still one of the greatest films ever made. Go see for yourself.
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while i'm not sure its an easter egg, its not terribly obvious in the vhs or television versions that maude is in fact a concentration camp survivor, made obvious as she and harold are sitting on a pier throwing things and you can see numbers tatooed on the inside of her wrist.
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mistyblue writes:
ok, I am a huge Harold and Maude fan. It is my favourite movie, it's (in my opinion) the best movie ever. Anyway, the scene you described is not the right one, I'm not sure if that Kat Stevens or not,I don't really know what he looks like....but, in the scene you described, it is not when they are comming back from the cemetary. In fact it is when they are coming back from the funeral when Maude asks Harold if he would like some licorice, I know this because, if you watch the movie the driver is driving all over the place, hence Maude. Maude only drives Harold's car once, after the funeral because she takes his care, then while thier driving she asks him if he's ever driven a hurse before and he says it's his car, so she says "Then you should take me home", and this is after the scene with the hitch hikers. So it isn't that scene at all, nor is it the jaguar/hurse, it was to early in the movie for him to have it, he doesen't make it until the second computer date arrives. Just wanted to clarify, I mean it is my favourite movie, I've seen it about 50 times. I own it.
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mistyblue writes:
I'm sorry I have to correct myself, it is not that scene at all, it is when they are coming back from the funeral...but, they are not driving Harold's car. They stole some other car to go to the cemetery, that's what got me confused, because the driver is reckless, and you mentioned Harold's car so I assumed it was Maude driving Harold's car, but she only drives it once. So yes it is that scene but with a different car(I saw the movie yesterday).
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Two things: The Motorcycle cop IS Tom Skerritt, and Cat Stevens does NOT make an appearance in the movie.
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benwares writes:
ACTUALLY, the simple, straight facts are: YES, charliehodge, it is Tom Skerrit who plays the officer. Skerrit used the pseudonym "M. Borman" for this movie. It is the only time that Skerrit used a pseudonym. (source: IMDB) No, it is not Cat Stevens who makes an appearance anywhere within the movie. Stevens only wrote the music for the movie and has only appeared in 1 movie throughout his career. (source: Cat Stevens)
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