Sound Forge Easter Egg - Credits Fun WAV

1.Click on "About"
2.Now press ctrl+#+=
3.Digit on the pad 22360899820145
4.Select "ok"
5.On the new black window click with the mouse on the upper left corner
6.A new warning windows appear
7.Press quickly 123456789

You will hear the Engineering Team greet you and make fun fun sounds!!!


User Rating:
  3.4/10 with 28 votes
Contributed By: J.J.K. on 02-15-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: the registered version of soundforge 4.5
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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I could not get this to work. If you could, please be more specific on the key pressing. I do not know if you mean hold down ctrl while you press the # and = keys or if you mean to press each individually. Also, the # key is just a shift and a 3, so please be specific. The numbers to press on the keypad, should numlock be on or not... will this work with just regular numbers at the top? I just couldn't get your easter egg to work on my full version of Sound Forge 4.5 because it was too vague. I really doubt this exists (too complicated), but would be happy for someone to prove me wrong.
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Josty Tosty writes:
It doesn't work at my place either... IF SOMEONE gets this to work... could you please add a description here? thanx! Josty Tosty
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i can't get it work on 4.5a build 56. and what is the 'new black window' ?
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