Command and Conquer Easter Egg - Sandbag Trick

1. Build a wall of sandbags from one side of the map to the other, or as far as you can go
2. Sit back and wait for an enemy attack
3. watch as the enemies go right up to the sandbags
4. They will not destroy them, or run over them!
5. You just found yourself perfect base defense!
6. Enjoy!

User Rating:
  6.4/10 with 213 votes
Contributed By: Scott Russo on 07-08-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Spike writes:
This cheat is alright, but don't put any buildings or units near the sandbags or the computer will most likely destroy the sandbags trying to destroy the building/unit.
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Reader writes:
You can also use sandbags to build right through your enemy's camp. Then you can build anywhere you want, even inside their camp before sending your engineers. Also build walls across their gates. They won't cross as long as there are no troops or equipment on the other side.
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@ssKicker writes:
I found a great way of using this cheat in Nod mission 5, with the GDI A-10s. To make sure that your enemies get no money: you can fence off every Tiberium field, but leave a large space inside the fencing. Build a Refinery there, so that only your Harvester can get to the Tiberium. Or, wait until the enemy harvester has taken its fill and THEN block it off. Then, you can easily destroy it without it running back to base. And if you build enough sandbags, you can just destroy their harvester and when the enemy troops come, they crowd up next to the sandbags and stay there, so you can just send the air forces (preferably A-10s) to destroy them there!!!
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@ssKicker writes:
This is one of the best cheats, I think. Here's a list of ways I like to use it: To protect civilians in GDI Mission 8 To fence off Tiberium to ensure nobody attacks your harvester and you get all the money To protect your base (duh!) To buy you some time. Make a sort of maze out of them. While the enemy forces are trooping all around the sand-bags, you can be training some more troops or more artillery or air forces, or even building a structure that takes a long time to build, or lots of them.
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Daniel writes:
I do not consider this to be an egg... However, it is a useful error in programming that I use often. My technique is to wall the enemy into his own base. I also suggest using concrete walls so you do not accidentally destroy them.
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