Outlook Easter Egg - Developer Credits

1. Create contact named 'Ren Hoek'
2. Select contact
3. Goto Help
4. Ctrl-Alt-Shift and click on OK button

User Rating:
  3.4/10 with 231 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 07-19-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Microsoft Outlook 97
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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brf writes:
Hmm...worked ok, but then when I clicked on the "Want more" button, it killed the credits window and brought up IExplore. With the credits window gone, I couldnt click on it to wake Outlook back up, and Outlook didnt show on . Outlook ran crazy and took up all my processor. I ending up having to kill Outlook from the task-manager.
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EggMaster writes:
You're suppose to go to help, about. Not Help itself.
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tofuphish writes:
http://www.creditsite.com/outlook/ This is where it takes you if you click "Want more?" :0)
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The Jon writes:
Ren Hoek is Ren from Ren and Stimpy. No use, just info. The Jon
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Slimdew writes:
I did everything except the goto help part that I don't understand because it won't work I got the right version for sure.
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