Image Composer Easter Egg - Caffine Freaks

1. Open Microsoft Image Composer (comes with MS Front Page).
2. In another window, open MS Paint and start a new painting .
3. Draw a line down the middle of the page and color each half a different color
4. Save the painting as somthing, and open it again in Image Composer.
5. Once open in Image Composer, go to "Plug-Ins" button, and choose "Impressionist" (included).
6. Hit the "Styles" button, scroll down to "Geometric", and choose "Melting metallic buttons".
7. Set the top slider (Brush-size), to minimum (25%).
8. Then simply hit "Apply"........
9. I personally think this silly joke spoils the effect.

User Rating:
  2.3/10 with 51 votes
Contributed By: Jimmy Jones on 07-19-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Microsoft FrontPage
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Foamy One writes:
That was amazing, Odd but still quite brilliant. Anyone know who (or what) it is supposed to be?
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Smitzer writes:
The effect works with any color... It dosn't need the two but just a box.
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