Civilization Easter Egg - See the Whole Map (NOT AN EGG)

1. Hold down the shift key and type "1234567890"
2. You can now look in enemy cities.
3. You can now unfortify their units
4. You can now sell their improvements
5. You can now reaarrange their resources
6. You can now view the power chart and the replay

User Rating:
  7.0/10 with 558 votes
Contributed By: Balto on 07-08-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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I have two versions of civilization on two computers and I believe it works on both.I have a cd version and an old beta version which my cousin borrowed off a relative of one of the programmers.Make sure you press the keys correctly and don't mistake civilization for civilization 2!this is an egg for the original civilization.If it doesn't work at all then it's a patched version or corrupted.
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molofaha writes:
I think that there were 5 major versions of civilisation, and the cheat doesn't work on my one(version 4).
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DarkRyder writes:
Actually, there are four versions of the original Civ - v1, v2, v3/5, and v4. For some reason v3 and v5 are identical. The cheat in question works only on v1 and, supposedly, v2 as well. Unfortunately, v1 is _very_ difficult to find, as most game boxes for the past eight years have contained v3 or v4.
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YodaDude writes:
There is a shorter way. you only have to type [shift] + 56 then the map is revealed and you can mess around with the computer players' stuff.
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Swoop writes:
I don't know which version I used, but I found that holding down shift and typing QWERTYUIOP1234567890 worked for the same effect. It was slightly unreliable, and sometimes it worked at about the letter P.
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IISX writes:
It wasn't a cheat code, it appeared in Version 1 as a Debug code from when programmers were working on the game, and it made it to Version 5 (I think) as a cheat code after people who accessed the system in Version 1 found it to assist them in their playing.
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Trez writes:
I have a version that may be the fist. i found it afteri got civ2 mutiplayer gold edition.
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Yavanna writes:
I think that what you're doing by pressing Shift+0123456789 is activating the keyboard shortcuts for all the cheats simultaneously.
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