Van Allsburg, Chris Easter Egg - Chris's Dog

I remember reading about this in my 4th grade Litrature Book, and With All the books I have checked it works, In at least one (maybe more) picture of every book, Chris Puts a dog (puppet pull toy Etc.) That is said to resemble his own Dog.

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  6.7/10 with 52 votes
Contributed By: Waffle on 02-12-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Any of his Illustrated Books
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Shorty writes:
My mom took a class recently about children's literature and one her instructors mentioned that. She checked out all the books our local library had by Chris Van Allsburg and had my siblings and I look for his dog. It really is in there! We found it in every book that the library had except one.
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Damar writes:
I remember this from grade school. It is in ALL his books, some are harder to find than others.
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FlyByeGal writes:
My 10 year old son LOVES VanAllsburg books, and yes -- the puppy is in each book, we love looking for him ! =0) (By the way -- I love this site !) =)
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Whitney writes:
This is true! My English class is learning about him, and we have found the dog in every book so far! Notes: In the Wretched Stone, it only shows his tail. Some people think it's a banana. In Harris Burdick (I think that that's what it is called), the book with all the strange pictures and captions, his dog is in the picture The Harp. Therefore, the introduction at the beginning of the book is not real.
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Seizure writes:
Yup! And it's his bull terrier, Fritz!
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debbie writes:
The dog began as a character in his first book, The Garden of Abdul Gasazi. He just continued it into his other works. In one of my classes in elementary school we had to write to our favorite author. I wrote to Van Allsberg and he was the only one to reply out of our entire class. He sent me a letter on a bookmark with a drawing of the dog, Fritz. I've always loved his books and I'm glad to see that others like him as well.
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