Carnivores 2 Easter Egg - Cheat Codes (NOT AN EGG)

Most of you already knows these cheats, but i'll write them for who of you don't know them.
<shift> M -> toggle nature (trees, etc...) it can speed up some 3D cards.
<shift> F -> toggle fog (not so useful)
<shift> L -> toggle Flying Mode (this is cool!!! it's impossible to be torn.

User Rating:
  6.9/10 with 53 votes
Contributed By: BRUTUS on 02-12-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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TED writes:
these cheats are fun especially the FLY MODE. HIGH AS A KITE LA LA LA.
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Dragonbreth writes:
You can also use these: Type "debug" (no quotation marks) while playing and get infinite ammo and the dinosaurs will not notice you. After typing that hold Ctrl to go SUPER FAST!
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Sir Phoenixx writes:
the first two(M and F aren't cheats) and i also found something else that may or may not be a easter egg, if you go to the Trophy room, and stand in front of the first side(where the game puts the first dino's as you kill them) with the dinosaur statues, and turn directly around, go to the opposite side and jump over the wall and keep on heading in that direction(use the debug cheat with the super jump/fast cheat to get there) till you go over a ledge, the map will end with some really weird columns, if you go all the way till you can't go anymore, and just walk from side to side while looking at the columns they will appear to "grow" and "shrink", cool huh?
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Sir Phoenixx writes:
hmmm, i take my last statement back, he made it sound like they were just keys that turned the graphics down, like other games...
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Am I the only girl out here that is devoted to Carnivores and all it's brutal fun? If you do get bored with killing all the dinosaurs, you can shoot down a bird or skittish dino or something, race to it, shoot down another, race to that one.. etc. Sort of chainlink. Takes patience.
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jeffrey writes:
The cheat code debug is wrong.It is debugup.
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Zethar writes:
it's been ages seens i've tryed this game and it was only the demo .. but i think it might work whit the full version as well .. in the folder of the game theres a file .. cant remember the name but i think its a config file .. in that file u should be abel to edit the prises of everything .. had to mess around whit this file in the demo because there was some screw up whit the shotgun so the game would crash
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