Word Pro (Lotus) Easter Egg - 3D World by Spelling "Possum"

1. Start WordPro
2. Go to the Help/About WordPro... Menu
3. On the yellow Lotus WordPro banner at the top, click on the P in WordPro
4. Then click on either O in WordPro
5. Then click on the S in Lotus
6. Then click on the S in Lotus again
7. Then click the U in Lotus
8. When the possum comes out and sits down, click on it's butt right next to it's tail
9. If you did it in the right spot, it will poop out an M&M.
10. Click on the M&M and a screen will pop up, use the arrow keys to move around

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  7.0/10 with 694 votes
Contributed By: Ron Wilkins on 07-19-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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~*Kit*~ writes:
It ROCKS!!!!!!!!! Why is it 'Possum'? And why is there an Alien...........?
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Marilmaster writes:
Hard to do untill you get the hang of it.
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coruscant writes:
You can also click on the O in LOTUS.
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rover writes:
Why a possum? The possum was the mascot of the Word Pro development team. Possums equate to road kill, a fitting metaphor regarding Word Pro's life expectancy vs. MS Word. Engineers can have a very warped sense of humor.
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b1gman writes:
Took a while to hit the right spot on possums bum. Has any one else seen the possum running around inside?
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sudhakar writes:
The possum seems to follow only when you move. Otherwise it plays dead
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@ssKicker writes:
This is a bit perverse, do you not think?
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@ssKicker writes:
It dies when you go near it, I think. I remember a while ago, in Primary 7, my teacher told the class that she'd been on holiday to New Zealand, and she said that the roads are littered with dead possums. She explained that she'd never seen a live one before, so a man showed her a live possum, up in a tree. He then asked her if she'd had a good enough look at it. She said yes, and he shot it.
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cute_ellie writes:
It's not an alien, it's a bug!!! Perhaps this is supposed to mean that the program is full of them....
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dan writes:
Once you have got the blue egg on the screen, click it and then you can walk around a maze using the up,down,left,right keys
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I thought I saw Bill Gates.
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Dan writes:
Did anyone else end up in a maze? It is a big maze. I just found this egg so I have not throughly explored the maze. I am running "Word Pro 97 for Windows 95" on Windows 98 Second Edition. Besides people on the wall I also found a cartoon that looks like a cricket.
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pumpy writes:
The "Bug" and/or "Alien" you guys are referring to is actually Georgia Tech's mascot "Buzz" (A yellow jacket). The software was developed in Atlanta, Ga and some of the development team went to Ga. Tech...Hence the appearance of "Buzz". And the possum was an unofficial mascot of the development team as a whole (since all of them did not attend Ga. Tech.).
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Sensmas writes:
I've found that you have to double click on the M&M to access the maze. A single click just makes the possum vanish and resets the e-egg. Once in the maze, it's true there is a possum running around and it does roll onto it back and kick its legs in the air when you run into (or close to) it.
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