Hard Eight Easter Egg - Phillip Baker Hall's Characters

During the scene of the movie where Samuel L. Jackson's Jimmie is confronting Phillip Baker Hall's Sydney in his hotel room, and is talking about Atlantic City, Jimmie utters lines to the effect of "I know the same guys you know. Floyd Gondolli, Jimmy Gator, Mambo Lomalli", Floyd Gondolli being PBH's character in Boogie Nights and Jimmy Gator being his character in Magnolia. So does this mean that in PT Anderson's next film, Phillip Baker Hall will be playing somebody named Mambo Lomalli?

User Rating:
  8.2/10 with 27 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 02-12-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Just a copy of the movie
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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tobias writes:
The PB Hall character that is hinted about for the next Paul Thomas Anderson movie is actually "Mumbles O'Malley."
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naregt writes:
This is a very cool egg, and I hope it will encourage people to see this gem of a film. Here's another interesting tidbit: the hooker that PBH tells to get out of Samuel L. Jackson's home towards the end (listed as "Jimmy's Girl" in the credits) is played by Melora Walters, who would later play Claudia Gator, the daughter of PBH's character in "Magnolia," and has a scene where she tells PBH to leave her house. So what goes around, comes around.
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