Burt, Ben (Sound Designer) Easter Egg - Wilhelm

In any movie that Ben Burt worked on (Star Wars, Indiana jones, etc) he uses the same sound. HE calls it "Wilhelm" it is the distinctive scream heard when the stormtrooper falls of the death star balcony, or when indian jones punches a guy off a truck, or when one of the Hoth ground troopers gets shot by an AT-AT, or in Shadows of the Empire, if you shoot a trooper and he falls off something he will scream out the wilhelm sound.

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  7.0/10 with 90 votes
Contributed By: Coconut Boy on 02-10-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: ANy movie where Ben burt worked on the sounds
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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That's pretty funny, because I hear that scream in a whole bunch of movies (it's very memorable). Ben Burt must edit a lot of films.
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Trunks writes:
Your right...That screaming sound effect is EVERYWHERE. Especially in "Shadows of The Empire" for N64.
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Derek writes:
I know I hear that scream a lot too. I think it's great. No matter how hard I try I can never imitate it. It's almost a Lucas Art trademark kind of thing.
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Steve Lee writes:
The scream you are talking about is indeed the Wilhelm scream, which first appeared in an old movie called "Distant Drums" in 1951. It got its name, however, from a 1953 film called "Charge at Feather River." Ben Burtt uses it in practically every film he's worked on (with the exceptions including "E.T." and "Alien"). A few others in the sound business, including myself and my associates Richard Anderson and Mark Mangini, try to sneak it in some of our films as well. You can see a growing list of Wilhelms appearances (including a couple films yet to open) on my website. Go to HollywoodLostAndFound.net and click on Sound Effects. Steve Lee
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turdman writes:
the "Wilhelm" Sound cand be heard in many films made since the 1950's including The Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers (when the orc falls off of the ladder at helms deep)
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Why is this sound clip called "Wilhelm"? Is ist a sound sample of the former German Emperor Wilhelm II.?
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