Rocky Easter Egg - Stallone Includes His Family Members

Sylvester Slallone, writer of all five Rocky movies and director of three of them, gives his personal family members roles in his movies.
In the original movie, Sly's brother, Frank, is the lead vocalist of the street singers, found throughout the movie. Also in the original Rocky, Sly's father plays the time-keeper/bell-ringer in the final fight with Creed.
In Rocky IV, Brigitte Nielsen playes Drago's wife. At the time of filming, Nielsen was Stallone's wife.
In Rocky V, Sly's off-screen son, Sage, playes the role of Rocky's on-screen son.

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  6.8/10 with 86 votes
Contributed By: HighHat on 02-06-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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Actually, in all the Rocky movies where he has a son, the son is his actual son. You may notice that this accounts for the fact that the son ages a few years with each fight. This is, of course, due to the fact that there are a few years between movies. The most significant and noticeable change when he goes to Russia in Rocky IV the son is around 7. When he comes home from Russia at the beginning of Rocky V the son is about 13. NOW THAT WAS A DEDICATED TRAINING SESSION. Lazy
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bocaj writes:
The dog in the Rocky movies is Stallone's dog. They cut as many corners as possible to save money.
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In case anyone cares, this was the first feature film to feature the use of Garret Brown's wonderful invention called the Steadycam. It was used during the Philadelphia Art Museum steps climb, and then a few other places after that. Stallone dictated the entire script to his girlfriend/wife who typed the whole thing in 3 days! Stallone was on the verge of bankruptcy and put up his last $75,000 dollars to finance the film.
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Eddie 3:16 writes:
Hey lazypieceoshet, you're actually wrong. Stallone only used his real son in Rocky V, in Rocky IV his son was played by Rocky Krakoff and in Rocky III his son was played by Ian Fried... Check Imdb for confirmation
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