Supermans Dead ( Our Lady Peace) Easter Egg - Boy/Girl Is Singer

In the video for Supermans Dead by Our Lady Peace it shows a Boy and a Girl being treated as test subjects. They are the same person and that person is know known as the Lead signer of Serial Joe, a small canadian attempt at punk rock. Just thought that it was pretty interesting, i noticed it because they played the OLP song followed by a Serial Joe song and I made a connection between the two people.

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  7.1/10 with 140 votes
Contributed By: DONMEGA on 02-05-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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LSD-J writes:
attempt? no, they are punk not pure punk, but punk none the less also- no where in Superman's Dead did i see the superman symbol
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laurel writes:
i know this one for sure...the lead singer of Serial Joe, Ryan Dennis, is the boy in the Superman's Dead video...he's not the girl,'s also very obvious Ryan and the boy in the video are the same person. they look exactly alike. also, i found on a web site in a biography of Ryan that he is in the Superman's dead video
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serial joe ain't true punk. not hard core either. hard core is nothing like that.
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.glow. writes:
Ok, it IS Ryan Dennis. In the video, it is a boy (Ryan Dennis), dressing up as a girl. I watched a Serial Joe interview 1 or 2 years back, and he said it was, and I've also seen several music interviewers that said it was him too. Its very obvious that it is him.
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twinkie writes:
He does play the boy and the girl in the video. They did a whole thing about it on Muchmusic.
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You are correct that the star of the Canadian version of Superman's Dead is Ryan Dennis of Serial Joe. He is the boy who was at the MuchMusic Awards with Our Lady Peace accepting one of the awards. To view the video yourself, drop by our website:
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