Searching for Bobby Fischer Easter Egg - The Real Bruce Pandolfini

Check out the scene early in the movie where young Josh is playing in the park against Lawrence Fishburne. Ben Kingsley is watching from a distance and a man says plainly, "Young Fischer!"

The man who says this is the real life Bruce Pandolfini.

Incidentally, earlier when Fishburne is "hustling" a chessplayer and identifies him as "grandmaster Shirazi," this is Kamran Shirazi, a chess player who was an International Master at the time of the filming.

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  8.5/10 with 28 votes
Contributed By: John Nesbit on 01-26-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Watch the movie
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rafferty writes:
Pandolfini's appearance may be called an egg, but Shirazi's isn't. Several GM's were on hand for the filming, although most were editted out. I believe Joel Benjamin mentioned this in an article he wrote, as he was one of the ones editted out. Another GM that can be seen is Roman 'Dzindzi' Dzindivashilli.
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Sally Waters writes:
A real treat: on the video version of this (don't know about the DVD), a plug appears after the movie touting chess for kids, and the major association in the US that sponsors tournaments, teaching, etc. Appearing in this, and speaking some, are Josh Waitzkin and his father, and Bruce Pandolfini. A really fun extra to the video!
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