Reboot Easter Egg - Reference to Wallace and Gromit

when the web monster blows up, you can clearly see the penguin from "Walace and Gromit"

(also I've seen him in others so if you see him too post it as a comment

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  6.8/10 with 26 votes
Contributed By: monty python on 01-26-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: the episode with the web monster
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Ovan writes:
I saw it before in the episode when Dot is in the clowen game with Bob then in the part when Fong is setting up the simulation thing... I remember one scene is when Dot found out that Fong is living in a cardboard box that has a Frizket face look-a-like printed on it!
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monty python writes:
yea I saw that one too. ive heard that there is one in every episode
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I saw one just today, 2/10/00, on the episode where they meet bob in the web. I always thought it was the Linux pingun. I've also seen it in the Clown episode to.
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monty python writes:
and on 2/11/00
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Squeegie1 writes:
When the troops are mobilizing against the Web nasties (or whatever, it's been a looooooooooooong time since I saw this show) in the episode where they lose Bob, a penguin can clearly be seen marching with the others.
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Tim writes:
I will report each penguin I see ok the one when enzo becomes a uardian right after the begining you see the penguin walking in front of the tank thing
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Phaze writes:
The penguin is not from Wallace and Gromit it is the linux penguin. Linux is an Operating System similar to UNIX. There are many references to UNIX in this series as it is about computers. I love computers and watch the show every time I find it on. I enjoy looking for hidden references to computers.
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Magic Tiger writes:
I must agree, it's the Linux penguin, not the one from Wallace & Grommit Nice try, though. Glad to find someone observant about children's shows :)
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HawkHead writes:
I am a hardcore fan of Wallace and Gromit and I can say without a shadow of a doubt, it is most definetly the Wallace and Gromit penguin. Still don't believe me? Go to Does the penguin on the Linux page bare even the slightest resembelence to the penguin on Reboot? NO!! Does the penguin bare the slightest resembelence to the Wallace and Gromit penguin? YES!!
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Loch writes:
In one of the episodes where Enzo is caught in the web (Season 3), I'm not sure which episode, but when the ship crashes into something, all these boxes fly around, and with some of the boxes is the Pengiun. MWA HA hA HA!
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Red Baron writes:
OK, stop arguing. Anyone who has seen the Wallace and Gromit movies knows that that was the penguin from The Wrong Trousers.
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cam the fool writes:
I am a hard core Reboot fan who has read about a hundred pages of stuff at and it says in there _somewhere_ that is is NOT the linux penguin, even though it makes more sense, with all the computer jokes around.
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monty python writes:
that most definitely is the Wallace and Grommet penguin. I've seen him in a prison episode, and he behind bars wearing the red glove-hat-thing.
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Velnich writes:
Just so I can put in my two cents... I'm astonished that this has caused so much controversy. Look at both the Linux penguin and the penguin from Wallace and Gromit. I admit that I haven't see every instance of the Linux penguin so my comment may only be worth 1 cent (or less), but the Reboot Penguin's mannerisms and facial expression (or lack there of) is clearly that of the Wallace and Gromit penguin. Not to mention the fact that the episodes aired before the rise of Linux as a popular Windows alternative. The writers also tended to avoid operating system references (making it hard to tell what system the show was taking place in). They might refer to the paint program but use a Macintosh reference like "Alias". Keeping this in mind I doubt they would choose an obvious operating system icon like the Linux penguin to show. I know the last point was extremely weak, but it was the Wallace and Gromit penguin and not the other.
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Wite Rabit` writes:
fong was in a box with a dog on, just like gromit in the wrong trousers. feathers mcgraw is known by just about noone, making it an inside joke. only people who watch wallace and gromit recognize the pun. the joke is for us, not you!
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