Elf Bowling Easter Egg - Kill the Deer in Elf Bowling

When the Deer comes on the screen, Hold down ctrl + D then click and you will nail him in the head.

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 219 votes
Contributed By: Jimbonics on 01-22-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Jus the .exe
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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tjbob66 writes:
all you have to do is roll a gutter ball as far left as possible and the ball will pop out of the gutter and hit the deer. Hit the space bar when the far left arrow is lit. TJ
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Jimbonics writes:
BUT... Ctrl+D Will kill the deer regardless of where you throw the ball.
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Huff writes:
Also: Ctrl-x - Bowls a strike Ctrl-s - gets the 7-10 split Ctrl-f - kills the frog Ctrl-r - kills the rabbit http://www.tfn.net/~huff
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Jupi writes:
The deer code worked but the one to kill the frog or rabbit did nothing.
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Coacoa writes:
it works, but after you do hit it i got gutter balls for every single roll after that
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John writes:
Ctrl+G bowls gutter balls. Experiment with other letters.
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Link writes:
sorry, no possible way to kill the rabbit. must be Elmer Fudd. you can bowl a strike, hit the deer or frog, but that's about it.
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EHP writes:
Killing the deer, frog, and rabbit are not eggs, you can kill them if you are fast enough, one REAL egg is that when you get a strike every shot when after it comes (with out the cheat) it "flys" away, Mr. Red nose reindeer come and his nose shoots and hits a elf that comes out after and moons you!! "Ep"
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