Beauty and the Beast shower curtain Easter Egg - Rated X Drawing

We've had this shower curtain for a few years, and recently noticed a fully erect p*nis ejaculating. It's one of the spires of Beast's castle in the background. Once noticed, it's plainly obvious what it is - there can be no mistake. The same image of Belle and Beast dancing may appear on other mechandise as well.

User Rating:
  6.5/10 with 380 votes
Contributed By: Frank Kennedy on 01-22-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Ordinary eyes
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Ehfevex writes:
HEY! Get a picture on here or something, I wanna see. Not that I want to see a dick, just to see if it's true.
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Kovu writes:
This sounds fake. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally against Disney, but this sounds like you made it up. However, if it is true e-mail me a picture and I will place it on my anti-Disney web-site. Your help is needed.
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The original packaging for the Beauty and the Beast movie (the big puffy white box that was released many years back) had that same picture. The movie was recalled after about a year when Disney noticed, but if you bought the version when it first came out take a look.
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VF_103_PYRO writes:
the image also appears on the cover of the box the movie is sold or rented in
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earthborn writes:
i have heard this story before...but it was a p*nis on the castle on the cover of the little mermaid...there was this whole urban legend going around about it...supposedly one of the animators either was fired or was paid for his he purposely added that particular appendage to spite his boss...but i never heard the story told with beauty and the beast...
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Scolman writes:
If you're interested in seeing all the "X rated" material Disney has been slipping in it films, check out and go to the Disney>Disney Movies link.
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Butch writes:
Where do you see anything about x rated stuff on>disney?
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Zephsbaby writes:
Its also in the castle onthe old little mermaid movie case. Its said that every either disney Movie or box has something "X-rated" on it! like in the first lion king a bad word is writin in the dirt when it flyin in the air after a standped
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wigstyle2000 writes:
The Little Mermaid original movie cover IS NOT AN URBAN LEGEND! I have a friend who has that cover. As the comments above say (which I have never heard as far as Beauty & the Beast) once you see it, it's totally obvious. I have seen it with me own eyes!
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OK, Disney DOES NOT intentionally put X-rated eggs in movies or drawings. All the penises or naked women are UNINTENTIONAL or ACCIDENTAL. Many of these are explaied and dismissed on in which the researchers for the site talked with the people who drew these things, many of which are retired from Disney anyway so they'd have no reason to lie. Why would anyone wanna draw a p*nis in a disney movie anyway? For subliminal messages? Bull Sh*t Even if a little kid actually noticed one of these things, would they even understand what they were seeing and what it was for? And what would Disney gain from doing this? The corruption of the minds of children? I don't think so. The "Disney is Evil" deal is getting old. Is anybody else sick of hearing about something that was never true in the first place?
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Filmgirl writes:
Zephsbaby-That 'dirty word' in the lion king actually says 'SFX' and was put there by the special effects team working on the movie. It has been mistaken for the word sex by many people.
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ilash writes:
All I have to say is... wow! and ha ha!
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fastforward writes:
I worked in the video industry for about 11 years and have been around during much of the Disney controversy, most of the so-called x-rated items are easily explained away, if you notice a lot of them are in fantasy-like drawings, where the items drawn are very sureal and there are lots of irregular shapes in them, the p*nis on the castle(Little Mermaid)was an error, but yes it looks a lot like one, however anyone who has spent there summer days finding shapes in clouds has also seen unusual objects that are not intentional, I'm sure if we all looked at an ink-blot test we would all see something different, people obsessed with cars would see things relating to cars and those who are obsessed with sex will see sexually related items, and so on. the part about the angry ex-employee drawing it is urban legend(he still works there)the part about Disney recalling the videos is true, after all they don't want anyone offended and if it had been done on purpose they wouldn't have cared, would they?
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I remember seeing the p*nis in the Little Mermaid poster. And like everyone says, once you see it, it's obvious. One has to ask how someone could draw something like that and not notice it? Furthermore, If someone did draw it unintentionally, how is it that none of the other DOZENS of people involved in the film did not see it?
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hott_chikita writes:
Disney did not do all this on purpose! On the other hand, maybe one of the little people working for him did it, without him knowing! Or else, where did these pictures come from,ok, it could be that they were mistakes, but whoever draws a huge p*nis without noticing it is a little dumb! check out this picture,, about half way down the page, in the Rescuers, where did that naked woman come from?
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AciDBuRn writes:
Wait a minute... I thought the accidental drawing of a p*nis in something Disney was the original VHS cover of "The Little Mermaid". And I frequent every day... this is where I saw it. I've never actually seen this shower curtain though, so...
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BlackRose writes:
I think it's pretty clear that Disney doesn't purposly put in sexual things and that the people who find them aren't neccissarily saying that disney is bad or anything they just found an "egg".
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Nb2000 writes:
Is the picture the one where they're dancing on the balcony with the enchanted objects in front of them? If it is I've got a jigsaw puzzle of that. I'll have to check on that.
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Drewster writes:
nimator would do this, the only answer...boredom. It's true, they work on these movies for like three years a piece and as it drones on drawing happy disney image after happy disney image the animators get bored. And much like anyone who ha off at there own job would know, boredom leads to strange things. They see it as a challenge each animator trying to show up the other animators to keep entertained.
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the rescuers down under one is true its two frames long as they are going on their ride its a photo of a woman very fast but i have seen it myself nad i beleive snopes has about it being true.
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TheMagic#27 writes: ANTI-DISNEY website? XD Pssshhh. You poor thing, you obviously have too much time and tend to spend it eating paint chips. Disney has done NOTHING WRONG DELIBERATLY. Show me ONE REAL "sex egg". I dare you.
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awezumben writes:
Kovu, if you really have an anti-disney website post it up, or e-mail the URL to me
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swimnsurf18 writes:
Actually, these sexual things ARE deliberate. If you read the divinci code, you will see why. Disney was part of a cult and these sexual images have something to do with it. There is NO WAY IN HELL that these things were accidental. All of you people are gay and have no clue what you are talking about. Peace out.
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Nica writes:
Swimnsurf18, you do realize that, while the groups in question were real, not everything in the Da Vinci Code was completely accurate. If you can source any outside evidence that Walt Disney was involved in that cult, e-mail me the link, but until then, don't spout fiction as though it were absolute truth please. If you want to sound credible about it at least find a link with proof that he was involved in the Priory of Sion. (That is the group to which you're referring, I assume?)
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Why are you all sticking up for Disney? These things were probably just put in for a laugh. Why would the "Special effects team" or whatever bother to "leave their signature" by putting "SFX" in the dirt cloud in The Lion King? That was probably used as an excuse. I don't know why they had to change the "spire" on the little mermaid cover, if anyone was seriously offended by that they must have been a bit gone in the head...
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MorPH writes:
Filmgirl- It is actually sex and not sfx. Why would they put it there and not just in the credits?
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Gracey Poo writes:
there is but those are lies... but the stuff about alice in wonderland stuff is funny! even though it isn't true!
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Dmr2hn1 writes:
We must collect torches and BURN Disney's p***s castles!!!!
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