Resident Evil 2 Easter Egg - New Clothes

1. begin a new adventure at least in normal mode
2. go straight to police station without taking any object on your way
3. enter police station and take the bullets on computer desk in main hall
4.go again outside police station and downstairs in the alley
5. if you have done good so far, you'll find a zombie: kill him (it takes more bullets than a normal one) and search the corpse
6. you'll get a special key for the locker in the dark room
7. open the locker and change your dresses (they are different for the two characters)

p.s. Thanks to Galax for advice

User Rating:
  6.6/10 with 76 votes
Contributed By: Mike Faggiotta on 01-22-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: none
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Grog writes:
The game tells you about this when you beat the A game for either character (at least I think it was A game, it may be the B game you need to beat). Also, the zombie is Brad Vickers - the pilot of the helicopter in the first game (again, it tells you this when you beat the game). If you've played Res 3 you'll know that early on you meet Brad and then he gets killed by the Nemesis, note where he was killed in that and where he appears in this
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Marvel writes:
OHHHH, thats very cool of the RE team. I never saw that befor!!
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[HF]Zungen writes:
You forgot that Claire gets a new gun (Colt .45 i guess) 6 shots. I don't know if you can fill it with 9 mm rounds
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Chris writes:
Thought I should mention in the 64 version of the game you get new EX-File look around the tunnel till ya find it, It tells an interesting story about our friend brad. Ive only beenable to find it as Clair, and not Leon Plusthis may just be because I got the 64 version, but Ivebeaten it enough to get tofu and I was never told about this egg.
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(HF)Zungen - Claire in Resident Evil 2 gets a new gun with her costume. It's a Colt Single Action Army, which was available in .45 and .44, but for some reason I think you can load it with normal 9mm rounds. She also fires it from the hip, which looks cool, but you really shouldn't use it on more than one zombie or if you have little's just a waste. Any other gun she fires normally. ---King Me the Great
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