Army Men Sarge's Heroes Easter Egg - 3DO

In the 3rd level of single player you are in the bathroom. On all of the shampoo bottles 3DO is printed towards the bottem. 3DO is also the maker of the game.

User Rating:
  2.2/10 with 189 votes
Contributed By: Commander Monkey on 01-19-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Army Men: Sarges Heroes for N64
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Triskele writes:
In the kitchen setting, there are cereal boxes called "3D-Os", cans called "Flipper's Tuna", and some of the progammers must be David Lynch fans beccause there are boxes called "Twin Peaks Rice."
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Also, whenever you're in a level that takes place in the real world, like the Bathroom, Garden, Plastro's Fortress, Sandbox, and the Living Room, you'll see toy blocks with letters on each side. When you look on each side of the block, you'll see that it says "3DO".
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MissingNO writes:
Actually, level 3 is just a bathtub , the final level is an entire bathroom.
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