Jaws Easter Egg - The Mystery Voice on Radio

In Jaws, during the scene on the Orca when the s**t really begins to hit the fan, Chief Brody runs into the wheelhouse and franticaly tries to call for help on the Orca's radio. The voice on the other end receiving his mayday call is none other than director Steven Spielberg. You briefly hear his one or two line contribution because, as you may recall, Quint comes in rips the radio away from Brody and says into the speaker "Tell Mrs. Brody we'll be bringing home a couple of blues for dinner." He then procedes to smash the radio with a baseball bat.

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Contributed By: TL on 01-17-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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Emily writes:
If I'm not mistaken, and I might be, Quint doesn't say anything into the speaker, but runs in and smashes it without any warning. I don't think they even had a chance to hear a response from anyone, let alone Steven Spielburg, but perhaps I missed that part.
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There are two scenes involving the radio -- one is where Quint, amidst a lot of chaos erupting on the boat, *receives* a call from Brody's wife -- he speaks briefly with her, then hangs up on her. Later, Brody is trying to radio for help (there may or may not be someone heard at the other end), and Quint busts in and smashes up the radio without saying anything.
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gkm writes:
Speilberg's cameo occurs during the first scene with the radio. Speilberg is the radio operator who patches through the call from Mrs. Brody to Quint.
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I don`t know about Steven`s voice but, in the movie when Quint talks to Mrs. Brody he said,"We just caught a couple of stripers, we will bring them home for dinner..." He didn`t say any thing about "blues"...however, in the book it does mention some thing about blue sharks. Quint catches one and cuts it up and throws it back in the water to start a feeding frenzie with the other blue sharks. I`m full of all kinds of useless info!!!
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