Batman (1989) Easter Egg - Hey, I Like This One!

In the scene where the Joker is destroying and vandalizing the art museum, the very last picture before they reach the top, one of his goons attempts to smash the painting, but Joker stops him and says: "Hey, I like this one." That is a painting by English modernist Francis Bacon (1909-1992), called "Figure with Meat".

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  5.1/10 with 218 votes
Contributed By: StemOne on 01-17-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The movie Batman (1989)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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I thought it was a copy of a painting by Francis Bacon.
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Noel writes:
The painting is Head Surrounded By Sides Of Beef. It's an oil painting that was done in 1954 by Francis Bacon. This is the third time I've posted this. For some reason my comments are always deleted. The comment about the painting being done by Tim Burton shouldn't even be on this site.
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Sol-leks writes:
In response to the comment Noel posted: The painting does appear to be a Francis Bacon entitled "Figure with Meat." If Tim Burton really painted that, it must be a copy. Having viewed many of Bacon's other works, it is easy to see how the Joker would like his work... it is kind of demented. It may just be one of Burton's favorites, or a rumor. The painting can be found at
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I would have to back the person here who said the painting is "The Scream" by Edvard Munch. Why? Because it says so in the film's novelization, that's why. Now granted, the novelization of any film may not reflect the final cut of the film. But in this case, it does seem to back up The Scream theory.
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Rubbish. Get this out :oP.
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Robinzio writes:
I agree, i seem to remember it being The Scream by Edvard Munch (my favourite painting).
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