Little Big Planet Easter Egg - Hidden Message

First you need to start up the level "Into the hearbet of the negativitron part 1" and once you get to the room with the sackbots on tha arcades find the open broken one then hop on it. When your on it, the sackbot working on it will get electrocuted as you press a button. But if you type in this code it will blow up and there will be numbers (2 four digit numbers) that spell out "FREE LOVE" in phone keys. The code needed is: (up, up, down, down, <---, --->, <---, ---> O, triangle) kinda like the konami code from Contra

User Rating:
  7.0/10 with 1 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 06-28-2013
Reviewed By: David Wolf
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Paul writes:
lol Nice Konami code reference. Brought me back to my Mortal Kombat days. ... No, that wasn't vague. I mean the game that was simply titled "Mortal Kombat". Google it. ;-P
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