Heroes of Might and Magic III Easter Egg - Cheat Codes (NOT AN EGG)

These work only in single player games.
To use theses cheats hit tab during gameplay and then type in the code then press enter.
You should see a message if every thing is ok.

Unlimited movement on the adventure map (Highlit a hero first)

Morale bonuses (Highlit a hero first)

luck bonuses (Highlit a hero first)

100K Gold and 100 of every resource

5 Archangels in every empty slot of hero's garrison (Highlit a hero first)

10 Black Knights in every empty slot of hero's garrison (Highlit a hero first)

move up a level for free (Highlit a hero first)

Removes fog of war (shroud) reveals map

999 spell points and give all spells (Highlit a hero first)

Give you all war machines (Highlit a hero first)

Brightens screen

Automatic win

Automatic loss

Reveal entire grail puzzle

Upgrading town entirely and includes grail structure

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 277 votes
Contributed By: Namiks on 01-10-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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The Wolf writes:
All of the cheat codes is taken from the movie Monty Python and the search for the Holy Grail.
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Colin Seddon writes:
The problem is that if you enter one you can't get a high-score! But at least you get to see the end sequence...
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Bob Destro writes:
None of these cheats work in my game. Am I doing something wrong? I have shadow of death.
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dotcom guy writes:
You can still get a high score even if you do the cheats. Just do the cheats and the exit to main screen. then start a new single player game, and you still have all the cheats, and you can get on High Scores.
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Namiks writes:
I have recently found that these do not work in any of the expansion containing versions. Also may not work if you actually run the game update. But if you just want to WIN, than these are for you.
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flat writes:
yeah bob shadow of death has cheat codes like nwcneo or nwctrenity they all have nwc then relate to matrix like nwcredpill or nwcbluepill also nwcagents i forgot what some of them do but hey you find out!
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pirla writes:
In both expansions Shadow of Death and Armageddon's Blade there are Cheat Codes if you search the web using Google you should be able to find them.
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