The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Easter Egg - Strange Umbrella

This is actually easy to do. Start the game and head to the knight academy. Go to the classroom where the chalkboard holds a peculiar shape. It is a shape of an umbrella with a heart on top. It took me a while to see why it was so familiar; it hit me when I played one of my favorite games. Super Smash Bros. Brawl. If you go to the Pictochat stage and wait long enough, the exact same shape in Skyward will be drawn. The only correlation between the two games is that they were created by the same people, if there is more background information, feel free to correct me.

User Rating:
  4.0/10 with 1 votes
Contributed By: Mario on 12-28-2011
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
Special Requirements: A Wii
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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The umbrella is a symbol of love in Japan (i.e. - a couple sharing an umbrella). It is common in Japan for somebody to draw an umbrella and then write two names under the umbrella to show that they're in love (or that one has a crush on the other). It's the Japanese equivalent of writing two names inside a heart.
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Mario writes:
So you think the staff of both these games decided to add these umbrellas in their games just to symbolize love? That doesn't make much sense. Why would they randomly add them there, and why are they the exact same shape?
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ZeldaFan writes:
All throughout all of the Zelda games, there are subtle references to other Nintendo games, mostly Mario and gang. Ocarina of Time had several places where there are symbols or pictures of Mario people or places.
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Deku writes:
The symbol of love, is written in the room where Karan e and Pipit, starts their relationship. That is why, the symbol is in that specific room. I thought it was an arrow, pointing at a heart as a secret message, telling the player, that something would happen, if you shoot the heart with your bow and arrow.(If you do, the arrow will pierce the heart, allowing the player, to nail a heart to a wooden surface, with an arrow.)
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Mario: "So you think the staff of both these games decided to add these umbrellas in their games just to symbolize love? That doesn't make much sense. Why would they randomly add them there, and why are they the exact same shape?" What I'm saying is that, in Japan, the love umbrella is a pretty common thing to draw (like on a chalkboard...or in Pictochat). It's also typically drawn like it is in those two games, like an arrow with a heart on top. Yes, the umbrella in Skyward Sword might be referencing the umbrella in Brawl, but it's definitely referencing something in real life.
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Gi0z writes:
There`s other easter egg on SS,when you talk to the old woman on Sealed Grounds,behind her there`s a hole on the wall, you just have to set on ``FPS`` view, then you look through this hole,you will see a crystal, and inside the crystal...---SPOILER--- you will see Zelda inside the crystal
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