Pirates of The Caribbean - On Stranger Tides Easter Egg - 7 Easters Eggs

1. Go to Blu Ray bonus and hit enter BONUS FEATURES (Legends of The Stranger Tides) and press right -> and you get to see short clip (2:25) talking about the "Magic Hour Shot."

2. Still stay on the Bonus Feature and continue to press down. You will see the the Feature, In Search of The Fountain, but do not press enter. Press right -> and you see an actor, Paul Bazely-Salaman, talking about his scenes that he has to perform (1:59).

3. Stay at the same page and press down and you get see the title, LAST SAIL, FIRST VOYAGE, and press right ->. Again you see an actor telling that he could not sleep because of the "Zombie" at his doorstep making a noise. (:47)

4. Continuing on, press down and you get to see the feature title, UNDER THE SCENE BRINGING MERMAIDS TO LIFE. Do not hit enter, press right
-> and you see Johnny Depp doing his take by jumping off the LightHouse Tower and onto the mat and later incorporating CGI (not shown). (:42)

5. Go to setup and press right -> and a crew tells you briefly about the Post Its. (:47)

6. On the main page, go to BONUS and press left <- and hit enter. Actor Greg Ellis-Groves talks briefly about how the joke "Do you know who I am?" came about and was incorporated in the movie. (1:09)

7. Same thing on the main page of BONUS, press right -> you get to see the clip about "Ship in a Bottle." (1:03)

User Rating:
  10.0/10 with 1 votes
Contributed By: Darth Hubart on 11-14-2011
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
Special Requirements: Pirates of The Caribbean - On Strangers Tide Blu Ray 3D + Blu Ray + DVD + Digital Copy
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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