Portal 2 Easter Egg - Hidden Song on Radio - Exile Vilify

Go to Chapter 2, Chamber 3. When you enter, go to the door and turn right. There is a Ratman den. Also, make sure you shoot a portal somewhere in the chamber for you to escape later. When you drop into the den, go to the left and there is a corner with a radio. The radio plays "Exile Vilify" by The National. You can take it anywhere in the chamber, but GladOs will destroy it if you go through the Emancipation Grid (awwwww). This track is on the Portal 2 Soundtrack, but many people got confused where it came from.

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  8.0/10 with 1 votes
Contributed By: rkimo on 06-01-2011
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
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Jedi Sean writes:
Some contest on Youtube had fans make Portal music videos based on this song, including GlaDOS' story in LEGO form and her activation using live action actors against a very impressive greenscreen. In this video her screens show the Xbox 360 achievement bar that pops up. The scientists must have never played an Xbox 360 before because they are very confused when it pops up!
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